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a spoiler-free review by Kraken Film Reviews

Happy Birthday (2023) - Kraken Film Festival



Release Year:


Official Website:

Ezekiel N. Drews, & Joseph A. Mauro



70 minutes

Happy Birthday is an american feature film written by Ezekiel N. Drews, and directed by Drews and Joseph A. Mauro. This film stars the two in the double role of directors and actors and is set in Wisconsin.

From its opening crescendo, the film beckons with an enigmatic uncertainty, pulling the audience into a labyrinth of questions, where past and future intertwine like threads in a delicate tapestry.

This climax gets your attention instantly, because you wonder whether it's a flashback or a flashforward. How will he get into that situation? Or maybe, how did he get out of it? 

“Happy Birthday” takes place two years after a major viral outbreak. We follow the daily routine of John, a man living in a remote cabin in the middle of the woods. When another human shows up at his door step, John is forced to face that day and deal with the feelings he has been trying to avoid. But is this stranger a savior or a threat?


The initial brushstroke of color sets the stage impeccably, casting a pallor of austerity upon the pristine canvas of the screen. Everything is pale, white, except for our character’s clothes, which seem to be all of the same color: red.

The character’s garments are a splash of defiance against the monotony of his surroundings. But could this detail be related to that unsettling opening scene?

It feels like everything around him is dull, tasteless, flavorless. Yet, not everything seems to be lost: amidst this monotony, there remains a tiny swath of red, perhaps a glimmer of hope, love, or a pulsation of a heart?

As we traditionally know, red is the color of passion, but also danger, blood, and love. Something seems to be lost, but there may still be a spark inside him.

Technically, there's a good use of detail shots, particularly in the scene introducing the character cooking a variety of foods. We then start to delve into a series of flashbacks, gradually revealing John’s background and introducing secondary characters, which are used to begin painting a clearer vision of our protagonist.

There’s some sort of ritual that John does, a bittersweet celebration of the past, a way to keep it alive. As we all know, living in the past is the best way to put a hold on our present, and it's a very common way to remain stuck in unresolved trauma or PTSD.


The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a condition stemming from exposure to traumatic events, manifests as a complex interaction of psychological and physiological responses. Its effects can permeate every facet of one's existence, redefining the contours of normalcy. Suddenly, the past isn't just memories—it's a battlefield where old hurts collide with today's struggles over and over again.

What initially starts as a personal drama evolves into a full-fledged political thriller, capturing the viewer's interest due to the strong plausibility of this scenario.

While observing the film, one can capture precise and well-thought-out screenplay ideas, though some may have been lost in the occasionally rushed editing. 

While the soundtrack enriches the viewing experience, it occasionally overwhelms - nevertheless, amidst the auditory intensity, memorable moments emerge, transitions of scene that testify to the directors' vision.

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This is a captivating, well-conducted story, in which some scenes and dialogues hide some real gems, and where the acting is carried out with great passion, showing how each actor has committed to bringing their character to life and contributing to this story of deception and remorse.

John, our hero, possesses a robust backstory, harbors remorse, past demons, and once had a specific plan, thereby maintaining the story's credibility and dynamism. You really want to know how it will end.
And hey, there's some power plays, intrigue, and secret plans involving top political personaties. Who? You gotta watch to find out!

"Happy Birthday" offers a captivating portrayal of a political thriller, where shadows dance with the light of truth. It's an evidence of storytelling's resilience, proving that even modest budgets can't dim the brilliance of a well-told tale. A reminder of cinema's power to transport us to both familiar and unknown worlds. A great job for first time filmmakers.


Acting 9/10

Costume Design 9/10

Screenplay 9/10

Story 10/10

— Kraken Film Reviews.

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